Sunday, January 20, 2008

Closet Doors Finished

The closet doors are finished!!! They are all painted too! And, not only the closet doors are painted, almost all of the woodwork in the bedroom has been painted except for the baseboard behind the bed which Bob is working on right now. If you want to take a look at the before pictures of the closets, you can check out my "Closet Door Update" blog. (I don't know how to link you to that. Rachael or Lori, would you please go in and fix this for me?)
Bob's closet door - before.
Bob's closet door - after.
My closet door - finished! Remember how I mentioned that the door was too short and too narrow and we had to run it through the table saw to make a clean edge and then Bob added wood to the sides and bottom? He did such a good job, you can't even see where the wood was added. He found the door knobs in the barn. You wouldn't believe all the stuff that was left in the barn when we bought the place. If we need something for repairs, there's a good chance it will be in the barn. We just have to hunt for it.

This is all that's left to be painted and then our bedroom will be completely finished. It will take Bob about three days to finish because he has to do taping and sanding several times before the baseboard will be ready to paint.

Today I hung these beautiful floral needlepoint pictures that Lisa gave me for Christmas. I really love floral needlepoint and I'm always looking for it when I shop at antique stores. But, they are kinda hard to find. When Lisa saw these, several months ago, she purchased them and put them away for me for Christmas. She said it was hard not to give them to me right away.

I'm anxious to have my bedroom finished and everything back in its place.


Lori said...

The doors look great. If Bob wasn't a pastor he should have been a carpenter.

Rachael said...

Very impressive. New paint too.

Natalie said...

looks really good!