Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm not going to do it . . .

This evening when I got home from work, I came into the empty house and ate my supper and watched the news. Then I decided I should go and put the chickens in the chicken coop. I didn't want to wait till it was too dark because that barn doesn't have lights and it's very scary even in the day light. As I opened the door to the barn, my heart was beating extra hard. I was carrying my little egg gathering basket and my camera. I just knew something was going to run across in front of me, but nothing did. As I reached the coop, I had to go and check all the nests for eggs. Most of the nests are higher than I can see into so I have to just reach up and feel around. That was scary too, because I could just imagine finding a mouse or snake. But I didn't. I found a total of three eggs. So far so good. No animals had been seen on the way to the coop and no strange critters found in the nests. That's the end of so far so good story. The rest of the story . . .

I went into the chicken yard to catch the baby chicks. Ten baby chicks! They are fast and didn't want to be caught. I chased them all over the yard trying to corner them, and tossing lose pieces of wood trying to get them into a corner so I could catch them. Then the seven big chickens kept running in and out of the chicken house and I was afraid of the rooster. I caught nine of the little chicks and put them in the coop, but I could not catch that last little chick. I continued trying to catch that last little chicken and fell on a tree limb and poked a hole in my leg and it was bleeding and hurting. Then I cornered the chick with a piece of wood in one hand and somehow it got away from me and I fell and bent my fingernail back and it started bleeding. By now I was in tears and it was getting dark. I shut the door to the chicken coop, grabbed my basket with the eggs and my camera and ran as fast as I could with a hurt leg out of the barn.

I went into the house and called Bob and told him that there was no way I could take care of the chickens. And then I started crying. He asked me if I could let them out in the morning, feed them, and then he would come home in the evening to take care of them. I thought I could probably do that. I'm not a very good farmer's wife when it comes to taking care of all these animals. And chickens are the worst! I think I prefer to buy my eggs at the store if I have to take care of the chickens.


Tina in CT said...

I'm with you. Buy eggs at the grocery store (or from a farmer down the road that has chickens and doesn't mind rounding them up). Those three eggs came with a price.

Tina in CT said...

How is your leg? I hope you disinfected it very well as you were running around a chicken yard.

Elle J said...

Sorry to hear about your chicken fiasco. Well done for trying and succeeding in the end as well as you did!!

Unknown said...

If only your blog could portray your voice when you tell the story. I felt so bad for you after I talked to you this evening that I was somewhat disappointed when I read the blog. It gives only partial justice to the fiasco you went through tonight.

I really think you should try and get the girl you carpool with to do this chore with you when she drops you off. It will be like going to the gym to do aerobics; all the jumping and dancing that you would be doing. HA.

Tina is right. These eggs you get come with a price and if you ask me... all that for 3 (THREE) eggs is just too expensive!

CATHY said...

I can't believe you went through all of that for 3 eggs. I just get mine at Trader Joe's. Hope you don't get an infection from that dirty stick.

Natalie said...

Sounds awful! Where is Bob and the boys?

Rachael said...

Poor Mom. You sounded SO pitiful when I talked to you on the phone. I wouldn't want to do that job either though. Did you ever get that last little chick?

Tina in CT said...

How did the chick make out that you never caught last night?

Tina in CT said...

It's dark out and you did not have to round up the chickens as Bob is home.

Dore' said...

I was afraid for you doing that job. Bob needs to train the chickens to go out and in on their own!

I sure hope you heal quickly.

Tina in CT said...

Check your email. I just emailed about taking the day off next Tuesday and meeting up for the day.