Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Hens and Rooster

My car pooling and co-worker, Priscilla, asked me if Bob might want more chickens. A relative of hers had a lot of chickens and was trying to find homes for them because he has dogs that like to eat the chickens for lunch and dinner. Bob said he'd take whatever he had left.
He brought home six hens and one rooster.
Madeline and Hannah jumped into the bed of the truck to take a look at the chickens.
Today Bob went out to the chicken house and gather the eggs.
I can hardly wait until the eleven little chickens get old enough to go outside. They have grown tail feathers and are very noisy, not to mention how messy they are.


Rachael said...

So are these actually your chickens? Somehow, I thought they were Ryan and Lisa's and that you were just putting up with them for now. But now I'm thinking it sounds like you actually wanted chickens. Which is only a little crazy, I guess! :)

Tina in CT said...

Won't the dogs kill the chickens? What about the varmits in your woods?

Lori said...

I have the best set up, the chickens are out of sight and sound and I just tell Todd to run up to the barn and get me some eggs when I need them. They keep them washed and in a fridge in the barn so whoever needs them can just go get them.

Cecelia said...

Bob has made a secured area for the chickens and we think they are safe from other animals. Bob has mentioned several times since we moved to New York that he wanted to get chickens and I kept my veto power in force. But, then Lisa had heard him mention it, so when she order chicks for herself, she ordered six for him. And, then we found out about the chicks when they arrived. Then once you have six chicks, what's a few more? Kinda like kids. There's always room for one more.