Friday, July 11, 2008

The Snitchers

This afternoon Matthew and I decided to do some baking. So we made a chocolate cake and some brown sugar nut cookies. While we were busy cleaning and waiting for one cookie sheet of cookies to bake in the oven, two little snitchers helped themselves to some of the raw cookie dough. I love raw cookie dough and let my children have some whenever we made cookies. However, I'm not sure I want my grandchildren to have any, because of the raw eggs. Funny, nothing ever happened to me and I'm, well lets just say I'm old enough to be a grandmother, and all six of my kids are adults and appear to be quite normal. It's probably a good thing these cookies are just for the family.


Rachael said...

I'm pretty sure raw cookie dough won't hurt you! Believe me, I've eaten plenty in my lifetime and don't plan on stopping anytime soon!

Natalie said...

Must run in the family blood line to be a snitch. Poor Lisa must be going nuts knowing her kids aquired that habbit.

Francie said...

I think "picking" is in our genes! It's almost better than eating the completed dish/product!

CATHY said...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with cookie dough or they wouldn't have made ice cream after it...right?
I plan on making cookies with the little hershey kiss in the middle, on Sunday, for the physical therapy office I have been going to. You know I will be snitching some of that too.

Shannon said...

Oh and it drives Andy nuts. I just can't help it.

Teen : } said...

Hey there Ms. Cecelia. It's soo funny we were just talking about that the other day. Michael (my 17yr old) made Ms. Fields cookies. While baking we kept eating the dough saying we should stop cuz we always get sick. My other four came in asked if they could have some and we yell at them, "No! it's got raw egg it will make you sick!" then when they left we ate some more. heeeeheeeheee
Happy cooking and eating raw egg little snitchers.
Love and miss ya, Teen =}

Shannon said...

oh, I am disappointed. Usually by Friday afternoon I can find something new on your blog. You must be busy today. Oh well. I'll check tomorrow afternoon.