Friday, July 25, 2008

Guess What Arrived at Our House?

While Bob and I were away this week working on the house, Lisa and the kids held down the fort at home. Lisa ordered a dozen baby chicks and they arrived at the post office this week. They are so cute. She has them in a tote in the dining room and to keep them warm she took a lamp from one of the bedrooms and turned it upside-down and hung it from the table with the cord held in place by a heavy cookie jar. Also deliver this week by the U.S. Postal Service was a queen bee and four worker bees that Bob had ordered for one of his hives. Unfortunately, the queen died, so the company is sending another one.

These are the cutest little chicks! Now Bob has to build a chicken coop.


Dore' said...

Awe.. I wish I were there to play with them. (I'm sure they are glad I'm not)

Too bad the queen bee died. I sure hope the next one survives. You need that nice honey. YUM.. I feel like winnie the pooh.. I love honey. :P

Are you going to keep the chickens? I bet you'll want some of your own after these are gone.

Tina in CT said...

You've got quite the farm going there. Are these for egg laying?

Rachael said...

You've gone off your rocker. I can't believe you let them order chickens and keep them in the house. Don't you have a big enough menagerie as is with all the extra people and animals?

Natalie said...

Thats crazy! I didn't know you could order living things through UPS! Those chicks arent going to get burned by that lamp being too close are they?

CATHY said...

So cute...little baby chicks.
I remember, when I was a little girl, we had 350 baby chicks at one time. I use to love to go into the chicken house, yes they had their own house, and let the little chicks run all over my feet.
They were so soft and fluffy.
But then you know what happened when they got bigger?????