Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Life around our home is never boring now that we have little ones running around. Yesterday, Gracie came carrying this cat in the kitchen holding it by the neck. She was so excited and wanted me to take a picture of her and the kitty. She usually hates it when I want to take a picture.
Gracie and the kitty.

Hannah's bunnies like living at grandma and grandpa's too!!

Hannah and Gracie with a bowl of fresh green peas from the garden.

It was raining and Hannah and Gracie had fun taking a walk in the rain.

Matthew and grandpa put on their bee suits and checked the hives and one of the hives is doing well, but one of the hives didn't have a queen, so grandpa ordered one and it will arrive in about three days. The post office will call us and want us to pick it up immediately.

The boys and grandpa picked two bushels of green beans. Lisa and Hannah are cutting the ends off the beans.

The boys helped with preparing the green beans to be frozen.

We froze 46 quarts of green beans. It sure is a lot more fun having help.

Tonight when I got home, Ryan and Matt went outside with me and helped me weed my flower garden. Look want we found once the weeds were gone!


Natalie said...

wow, are all those green beans for me?

Cecelia said...

They aren't all for you, but I'll bring some of them for you next time I come your way. Do you want any corn? I'm going to make raspberry jam later this week.

CATHY said...

I would love some green beans, and corn and rasberry jam. If only I lived in NY...oh well.
Yes, if you come to Cali. you would stay in my guest bedroom. It is all fixed up just for you. Maybe we could even sleep outside????

Dore' said...

Can I come live with you? You all have so much fun together.. and all that yummy food!

I want a bunny rabbit too.

Dore' said...

Can I come live with you? You all have so much fun together.. and all that yummy food!

I want a bunny rabbit too.

Francie said...

I'm glad they like doing that stuff, because I remember doing that stuff in Cali and I also remember that it wasn't very fun!!!
But I DO love the finished product!!! Oh, and Aunt Kate keeps asking when you're coming out this way... maybe you should call her and say Hi!

Lori said...

I imagine it is nice having all the help.
I am thinking about freezing some sqaush this year but I don't know how, so I will be calling for help soon.
Maybe we can make a trade.

I love the picture of the girls in the rain, it is so cute! You should frame that one.

Rachael said...

I could use some weeders over here. My flower beds are out of control.

I bet you're enjoying all the commotion around the house.

Teen : } said...

Hello Ms. Cecelia. I miss you guys. I'm so glad you live close to your family. You could adopt me if you want to. I don't have much family. lol Geez. When I grow up I wana be just like you. Y'all have so much love and fun. =D