Tuesday, July 29, 2008

They're Growing Up Fast . . .

Our baby chicks are growing up fast. They can already fly out of their temporary cage (washtub) in the kitchen. Bob went and bought some fencing and posts so the boys (Ryan and Matt) can put it up tomorrow. He cut a piece of the wire and put it over the washtub so the chicks won't be running all over the house. We have enough little feet running all over without any help from the chickens. They sure are growing up fast. Soon they will be old enough to go outside. When they are twenty weeks old, they will start laying eggs.

They are so cute. I love watching them and of course I have to pick each one up and give it a kiss on the top of its head.


CATHY said...

They are so cute. I love little baby chicks. Ours were yellow, all 350 of them.
So nice of Bob to allow them in the house. I bet Punkin and Lola are ticked.

Tina in CT said...

That washtub sure is handy as it was Liesel's home for the week that you had her.

Tina in CT said...

I just pulled a container of 5 can casserole from my freezor. I made the recipe last week and froze some. This must be the 4th time I've made it. I'm so glad you gave me the recipe as it's so easy and I keep all the ingredients on hand. I think of your family each time I make and eat it.

Cecelia said...

I'm glad you like the five can casserole recipe. The name sure isn't too exciting,but it sure is easy, fast, and delicious. We really should think of a different name for it, but we've called it that for way too many years.

Dore' said...

WOW! They lay eggs after 20 weeks. That pretty quick. I hear they don't lay too many during the winter. I wonder why that is?
Well, you've kissed them all.. have you named them all yet?

Dore' said...

WOW! They lay eggs after 20 weeks. That seems really soon. I hear they don't lay too many over the winter months though. I wonder why that is?

Lori said...

It will be so nice once they start laying eggs, but FYI they start to stink when they get bigger so I hope Bob is working on a new outside house for them.