Saturday, July 19, 2008

I Really Do Hate Motorcycles!

This week our friends lost one of their sons in a motorcycle accident. He was riding his motorcycle to work and hit a deer. He died shortly after arriving at the hospital. He was 26 years old and the youngest of eight children. We'll be attending his memorial service tomorrow afternoon.


Natalie said...

That is very sad. I hate to hear that. I'm trying to talk Adam into selling his fast motorcycle. And then if it makes you feel better, we only ride the Harley on special occassions. Both bikes are on a trailer at his parents house, we haven't been on them since we got back from our 4th of July trip.

Tina in CT said...

I agree. So dangerous. What a tragedy for the family. Tomorrow will be a sad day for your church group.

CATHY said...

That really is a tragedy. So sorry for the family. He was my Ryan's age, I can't imagine losing my son.
Makes me reflect, again, on what God really gave up.
I will be praying for you and the family.

Rachael said...

Very sad. Do we know the family? I'm assuming they go to your church.

Cecelia said...

Rachael, It is the son of our veternarian.

Dore' said...

How sad!

Murdercycles are really dangerous. I remember my sister-in-law and her brother riding a motorcycle together on a road in front of their house. They hit a rock about the size of a golf ball and it threw them both flying. They both had scrapes and bruises and never rode it again. They really are scary.

It will be a sad day tomorrow. ..and for a long time to come. My prayers are with the family.

Lori said...

That's awful, I hate seeing people on motorcycles too, especially when they are being careless and not wearing helmets or going too fast.