Sunday, July 27, 2008

It was a Busy Day!

We had a very busy day today. Shannon came up Saturday evening to go with us to the Harbor fest fireworks display. Lisa's parents, two sisters (12 total) and Ryan and Lisa and the children and Bob and I and Shannon went caravan style to the show. It was amazing to watch.

Ryan and Lisa stopped and picked up some ice cream and we continued the party at our house when everyone got home. Bob and I were too tired to party, so we were party poopers and we ent to bed. But at 6:00 a.m. this morning, Bob and I were up ready to start the day and the rest of the family slept in until ? I had gone to Home Depot to pick up some lumber that Bob needed while he went out to pick the vegetables in the garden and to pick the berries too.

When I got home from picking up the lumber, Bob had eight quarts of berries picked and he thought I should make jam with them right away because they were very ripe berries. So, Shannon and I made fourteen jars of raspberry jam. And, we have an extra jar in the refrigerator so we can try it tomorrow morning.

The raspberry jam Shannon and I made today.

Shannon will be graduating from nursing school in August and needed a nurses dress for the graduation. We had bought one a month or so ago, but it wasn't approved. So she bought some fabric and a pattern and we made one today.

Cathy, my sewing machine is a Bernina 1130. Sorry I didn't get back to you. I didn't get home until Friday and didn't check my e-mails. Shannon cut out the dress and did a lot of the sewing too!

The dress fit perfectly and Shannon likes it a lot.

Shannon thought of the idea to put a ribbon tie in the back. Pretty cute, huh?

After Shannon packed up and headed for home, I decided to make a batch of bread. I made three loaves of cinnamon raisin bread. Here are the eight loaves of bread in the warming oven raising.

Well, the bread just came out of the oven and I sampled a slice with some raspberry jam and it's really good!!! Wish my friends could all come over and help me eat it.

I also spent several hours today going through pictures. Yesterday was Francie's birthday and I'm going to do a birthday post for her this week. It's so much fun going through the boxes of pictures and remembering all the fun times we've had together as a family.

Francie, I hope you had a great birthday. I wish I could have been there with you to celebrate. A special birthday blog for you coming soon!!!

Tomorrow I have to go back to work.


Tina in CT said...

The dress looks perfect on Shannon - a joint venture.

Oh how I wish I were there for some of the homemade bread.

Francie said...

That jam and bread sounds really yummy! Can't wait until your bday blog! As I mentioned on the phone... I've had to wait almost a year! He-he!!

Natalie said...

That dress really is very cute! I want some bread so bad! It's a good thing I'm not there to eat it though, otherwise I know I would over eat!

Tina in CT said...

Are you resting from your vacation now that you are back to work?

CATHY said...

I remember your homemade bread and fresh made jam. Delicious!!!
Shannon's dress looks so cute on her, but I think anything would look good on her. She is adorable...she got it from her momma.
Don't feel bad, I have to work today too.

Dore' said...

Mmm.. Jam & Bread. That bread would be so yummy! You are making me hungry. I haven't had any good bread like that since I was visiting you in N.Y. I think I need to come visit again. (;
Actually, I told Bob I'm going to start making our own bread when we get settled back into the house. It is getting way too expensive in the stores. Besides it tastes so much better.
I need to practice sewing more too. I can't imagine making a dress in a day.. and so cute. Your girls are all so creative.. like you. You've done a great job with them.
I hope Francie had a fun on her birthday.

Tina in CT said...

While you were busy, I spent a good part of the day with Liesel on the deck reading a James Paterson mystery. I saw lots of gardening that needed to be tended to, dust in the house, things to sort and put away but Liesel and I decided to take advantage of the nice day and vegg on the deck. A good part of the time, she was on my lap while I read. We took time to "smell the roses". The nice days won't be here forever but the dust, sorting, etc. will be. I've definitely learned to overlook a lot as I get older and chill out. I felt guilty when I read all you did but the guilt quickly passed.

Lori said...

Really cute dress on SHannon. I wish I was going to be able to come for her graduation.
Save me some jelly, I want a jar, it looks so good, and sounds even better on hot fresh homemade bread.

Rachael said...

Wow, you guys sure whipped that dress up in no time. Speaking of sewing: I'm still waiting for you to make me some American Girl PJs for my store. Can you bump that up on your to-do list? Pretty please?

Warm bread and jam sounds AMAZING.