Saturday, March 1, 2008

Cathy, These Pictures Are For You!!

My friend, Cathy, who lives in California, asked me to send pictures of snow. So Sabbath morning while Bob was out blowing snow, I put on my coat and boots and went outside for a photo shoot!

The church is about four miles from our house and there was a lot more snow there. This is what I saw when we arrived at the church. Snow, Snow, Snow!!


Natalie said...

wow, so much! its so pretty.

CATHY said...

Wow, amazingly beautiful. It is picture perfect. I love the front of your house. It looks like a picture I have on a calendar.
Little Punkin out there in the snow. I wonder if she misses California weather.
Anyway, thank you for taking the time to take some pics. Dore' and I really miss you guy's. *sniff sniff*

Lori said...

Who plows the church parking lot? Todd had a good idea. He said the church should buy a truck with a snow plow on it and then Bob could do the snow plowing and he could do his house too.

CATHY said...

By the way, how did you get in the front door of the church?
I think Lori and Todd's idea is great!
Did you know that McCoy auction is closed? I was going to talk Ann into going with me.
I am going to take a trip to the thrift store in the morning, it has been a long time since I have been there.

Annie said...

Is that your house???? I love, love, LOVE that house!!! I want a house like that SO MUCH.

Sorry....just a follower of Rachael's who decided to check out who would be "cleaning up" her sewing "mess". My mom is a wonderful seamstress, and she would no more do that than fly - my mistakes are mine to fix (or hide).

Natalie said...

It's hard to tell how much snow there really is from a picture. I've learned from experience that Pictres don't do snow much justice.