I tried to convince Bob that I could be a good girl if I got to stay home with him.
I was being very good and even gave Bob the big sad eye look. It didn't work.
This is where I ended up. In a cage in my Nannie's office. And I was not happy.
I started crying and making a lot of noise. And it worked!! She let me out of the cage.
As soon as I was out of that cage I started sniffing around to make sure everything smelled O.K. It actually smelled good. It was new carpet.
I promised my Nannie that I could be a very good girl. She believed me - for awhile that is.
My Nannie put my favorite blanket under her desk so I could lay down when I got tired of running around. But I found a roll of white stuff and had a grand time!!
I strung it all over the office. It was great fun.
This white roll of paper kept me busy for quite a long time.
Having more fun.
Still more fun!
After I played with that paper I found a lot of black cords under another desk and went to check them out. My Nannie took me out and told me I couldn't play with them and she redirected my play to another area. But, I wanted to find out why I couldn't play with those cords, so I tried to sneak over and take another look. My Nannie saw me and she put me in my bed and I had to take a nap. I was tired, so I didn't mind.