Saturday, February 9, 2008

We Made Pizza

This afternoon Ryan and Lisa and the children came over to visit and have supper with us. It was so much fun watching the kids play. Gracie prefers me over her mom or dad and that just makes my day. The kids were so sweet. When I re-organized the blue room, I weeded out five boxes of books and videos which Lisa and the boys enjoyed going through and picking out a few that they wanted. While Bob, Lisa, and Ryan were visiting in the parlor, the four kids and I went to the kitchen and made homemade pizza. The boys set the table and Gracie and Hannah helped make the pizza. They wanted mushroom, cheese, and black olive pizza. We had a hard time having enough black olives for the pizza, because all the kids kept snacking on them. I think we opened four cans of olives.

Gracie and Hannah did a good job of putting the cheese on the pizza.

After dinner, the kids went upstairs to watch a nature video. Little Ryan came down and whispered in his mom's ear and then chuckled a little and went back upstairs. Lisa told us that he said, "Mom, I think their TV came over on the ark." Bob's comment was, "I should tell him I put it on the ark."

I think Little Ryan is right. This TV is so old it might have come over on the ark. But it still works and has good color.


Adoption Blog said...

I am not sure whether you say it in English but in French we say:

"The truth comes from the mouth of children" HA!

I love his idea of how the tv came in the Ark!
I remember asking my Grand-father if there were dinosaures when he was a kid! LOL!!!

Have a lovely day!

Rachael said... Can you make me some too?

Lori said...

Hannah and Grace look so big, I think they've grown a lot since this past christmas!
Yes the TV is ancient, If we ever get a new TV I will be sure to pass the old (but not as old as yours) TV on to you.

Shannon said...

When and where did you set that TV up at? At anyrate, it sure beats the see-thru lime green one you bring out on occasion.

Natalie said...

Grace and Hannah are getting so big! They are so cute!