Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm spending the night

I'm going to spend the night at the hospital. My mom's blood pressure is high now and the nurse just gave her something to help bring it down. She was a little confused a little while ago, answering the nurses questions, "where are you?" "India" She didn't know the year, or month, and didn't know who I was. But, since the nurse has asked her questions again, and she answered them correctly. She keeps calling out for someone to help her, and then says she wants to go home. She's asking where Donnie is. She says she can't stand it.

Poor mom, I wish there was something I could do for her.

A couple of church members came up just a little while ago and several of the members will be bringing lunch and supper to the hospital for the family the next few days. I thought that was really thoughtful of them.

Mom's room is really cold. I'm freezing. I'm going to try and get a little sleep, but I'll post if there is any change.


Natalie said...

that sounds awful for both of you. "INDIA"? Why India? I sure hope she pulls through this. Go ask the nurse for a blanket.

Tina in CT said...

I hope she improved during the night and that this morning she is better.

I hope the nurses brought you a cot and blankets.

Rachael said...

I'm glad they got the message at the church. Poor you -- I know you don't tolerate cold well!

Lori said...

cant they adjust the tmp of the room?