Monday, June 2, 2008

Lola Changed Her Mind

Tonight when I went out to go for my walk, both Punkin and Lola came running into the garage and when Punkin saw the leash, she started wiggling all over and whining. For the past two days, when Punkin did this, Lola would run to the slammer. She was not interested in going for a walk on a leash. Well Punkin must have told Lola how much fun she was having, because Lola twirled around and around and jumped in the car. She was going for a walk too.

I decided I should give her a trial walk on a leash around the yard before taking her out on the road, and it's a good thing I did. She didn't understand how to just walk with something around her neck that snugged up on her if she went too far ahead. So I worked with her a little and then she decided that she would once again, stay in the slammer.

As soon as Punkin and I arrived back home from our walk, Lola wanted out of the slammer and Punkin and Lola had a good long talk. I'm sure she will want to go tomorrow.

It sure would be interesting to know what Punkin told her.


CATHY said...

I actually walked this morning. I am reading a new book titled Skinny ?itch. Will let you put the consonant needed, but anyway, it is very motivational. Nothing we didn't already know from EG White tho. Guess I just needed someone else to tell me how to eat. The two gals that wrote the book are pretty harsh but they get to the point. I think there is even a website. I just got the book and read 3 chapters, already making some serious changes. The emphasis is more on being healthy rather than being skinny. I think they go hand in hand. Will keep you updated on my success.
Pray for me!

Tina in CT said...

Your post on the dogs was so cute! I hope Punkin tells Lola how much fun it is to go with you for a walk so she'll want to go.

Natalie said...

Punkin must have had a good long talk with Lola. We have the same problem with Walter, he wont run off or be naughty, until you put a leash on him, then he starts pullung and twisting and trying to get away. As soon as you take his collar off, he stops pulling.

Lori said...

Brewster always wants to go with me on walks too, but every time I take him he wants to go back after just a short time. He will literally stop and pull against me until I turn around in the direction of home and then he starts trotting happily towards home.

Tina in CT said...

Has Lola changed her mind and decided that a collar and leash are OK if the end result is a long walk with you and Punkin?

Tina in CT said...

Liesel is just like my Fritz was - hates the rain. She kept running back to the door today to go back into the house and did not do what she was put outside for. When I was standing out in the rain in the grass, she was either between my legs trying to stay dry or bolting for the door. Looks like I will have to walk her around the yard on her leash when it rains just like I did Fritz. Streusel would brave the rain and accomplish what she was put outside for.