Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm on Vacation

I've taken a few days vacation to help Ryan and Lisa move. My job is to watch the girls. I think I have it easy. We are having such a fun time together. Madeline is also staying with me so Shannon can study. She finishes in August.

The girls had fun making biscuits for breakfast. They cut the biscuits out with cookie cutters so we had stars, hearts, Christmas trees, and moons. Pretty cute aren't they? The girls came up with the idea.

Then the girls went outside on the porch and played store. They had me save empty food boxes and they set-up their very own grocery store. An old electric calculator served as the cash register. They even had real "play" money.

Then they decided to take a break and blow bubbles. Gracie had fun chasing them and trying to catch them.

Shannon shared some of her tiger lilies so the girls and I planted them. Thank you, Tina, for the garden tools. They were perfect.

Then we had to fill all the bird feeders and hang them back up.

Gracie and Hannah look so cute in this picture. All three of the girls were so good. I had so much fun on my mini vacation.


Tina in CT said...

Won't the birdseed attract bears? It sure does in our area of the burbs.

The girls sure have been having fun with Grandma. J and K were a big help to you at work yesterday.

Today you and the kids are off to camp. Looking forward to camp posts.

Those biscuits look yummy and I'd love one right now as I sit here typing.

Francie said...

Those are some cute pictures. I remember me and Nat wanting to play grocery store, but everyone kept forgetting to save us the boxes! Oh, well...
Either way, it looks like you guys were having a ton of fun!

Lori said...

What fun times with all those little girls. Does it remind you of when we were all little?