We all enjoyed our breakfast of waffles with peach topping and maple syrup and then Bob and little Ryan were off to the Roosevelt Church for a work bee. Matthew wanted to stay home with me and learn how to make "Monkey Bread".
Gracie liked playing in the kitchen trash cans.
Madeline and Hannah watch Matt make the "Monkey Bread".
Matt put the two pans of "Monkey Bread" in the warming drawer to raise.
When little Ryan got back from the church work-bee, he mowed the lawn for us.
They are such good friends. They remind me of my cousin Carla and I when we were little girls. We spent summers and weekends together all our childhood life. We were always having fun together. I remember two years before she died, she and I were helping my mother move stuff out of her house, and we were driving over to rent a U-Haul truck. As we were driving together, Carla commented, "It seems like old times, Cece. You and me in trouble with your mom for doing nothing." And, we laughed and talked about all the fun times we had growing up together. One or our favorite things to do was imitate grandma playing the "Storm" on the piano. Our grandmother was a concert pianist and we always requested her to play the Storm for us. Then we would take turns, one playing the high note keys imitating the gentle rain, and the other playing the low note keys imitating a thunderstorm. Grandma would always holler at us from the kitchen and tell us not to be banging on the piano, at which we would respond, "We're not banging on the piano Grandma, we're playing the Storm". I'm so thankful for the time we spent together and the memories we made. Carla died of brain cancer two years later.
Punkin and Lola waiting while everyone goes into the house for lunch.
While I was watching Gracie play with the dogs, and grandpa had gone to do some visiting, the other four kids decided to explore the basement of the big barn. Now, I want you to know that I will not go into that basement, because it is way to scary for me. When I realized that the kids were in the barn basement, I called them out and told them it was too dangerous and scary for them to play down there. They told me that it wasn't scary, it was fun. I agreed to let them continue their exploring of the barn basement if they took the dogs with them. This is the entrace to the basement.
With Gracie now taking a nap, I thought I would relax and work on my crochet project (I'm trying to make a blanket for my new little grandson that is expected to make his arrival in early December) while I sat on the porch and kept an eye on the kids. The girls were having fun playing with their new water balloon balls and the boys were having fun filling the balloons with water for them. Then Matt got a bright idea and decided to fill the balloons from the water hose which was next to the house and close to the chair on the porch that I was sitting in. It went well for a few minutes and then the balloon slipped off the hose and the water from the hose went spraying everywhere and guess who got it?
Then the boys decided to go and fly their kites.
I had gone into the house after the water hose experience, but it wasn't long before I heard voices calling. I went outside to see what they needed, and didn't see anyone. The girls had gone into the house to play, and it was just the two boys outside. I called, and they would answer, "Up here grandma". And I would call out, "Up where?" "Up here grandma" was their reply. I kept looking and looking, and finally I saw the top of the tree branches moving back and forth while the rest of the tree branches remained still. As I looked I saw Matthew. He was 25 feet up in the tree. Then I asked him where his brother was, and I heard little Ryan's voice, "over here grandma". "Where", was my reply. After receiving instructions from a voice in a very tall tree I saw little Ryan in another tree that was even taller than the one Matt was in.
If you look really close you can see little Ryan.
My weekend was filled with memories that I will always cherish.
Wow, lots of great pictures. It's fun seeing the nieces and nephews, they've changed already since we saw them last.
Lola looks really dirty (but happy!) in the pix.
I remember making monkey bread for eighth grade home ec. Love it.
That's so sad about Carla. I still can't believe she died. Too funny though what she said about you and her being in trouble with Grandma Annie for doing nothing once again! I bet you weren't always so innocent together! :)
Wow, I'm exhausted just reading about your fun filled day of activity. I would have needed a nap on the couch. I know you love spending time with the grandkids though. It was nice to see so many pictures.
I had to laugh at the part of the post was when you said Gracie had real tears. It reminds me of when Shannon once told us that Madeline was pretending to cry, and Rachael and I tried to tell her she had real tears in her eyes.
I would have had a heart attack with the boys so high up in those trees. They were REALLY high.
Madeline is so lucky to have Hannah. I was just telling Andy that the two of them will probably be alot like you and Carla were when you were growing up.
Wow! One of your grandsons looks just like Ryan when he was that age. Is it Little Ryan? Lots of nice pictures. Madeline and Hannah are really adorable!
I want monkey bread, and not suger pumpkin cookies, but the real pumpkin cookies, so you better bring some recipes when you come if they arent in the book you made us. I get hungry whenever I read your blog, and then I feel like I need to go find a snack. My kiln is almost ready to be used, I cant wait to make stuff. It should be all ready when you get here.
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