Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pullet Egg

Back in August we became the proud owners of 12 baby chickens, compliments of Lisa and her dad. It was kinda fun watching the little chicks grow-up in a washtub in our kitchen with a make-shift heat lamp hanging over the tub to keep them warm. Soon we added wire fencing to the top of the washtub to keep the chicks from jumping out of the tub and running all around the kitchen. Later we adopted seven chickens (6 hens; one rooster). Bob made a temporary chicken house in the barn and a make-shift chicken yard outside the coop. The chickens have surprisingly made it quite well. We've only had a couple of casualties. Bob goes out every morning to feed and water the chickens and then open the door so they can go outside and play. They don't like the snow and if there is snow, they won't go outside, but Bob still gives them the option most of the time. Later in the day, after sundown, Bob goes back out to the barn to lock the chickens in their house and gather the eggs.

Our eggs so far have been from the adopted chickens, but today Bob brought in the first pullet egg from one of the baby chicks that are all grown-up now. Out of the twelve little chicks, one was a rooster and it is so cute to hear him learning how to crow.

The egg on the left is from the adopted chickens and the egg on the right is from the grown-up chicks. When they all start laying, we're going to have more eggs than we can use. I'm sure we can find a family in the neighborhood that would enjoy having fresh eggs.


Dore' said...

Oh some lucky neighbor will love them I am sure!
I would love to hear what the little rooster sounds like.

Tina in CT said...

I'm sure your friends will love having farm fresh eggs.

Lori said...

So the smaller the chicken the smaller the egg huh?

Im sure you all will find some good use for those eggs if you can't use them all.

Natalie said...

I sure wish I could have some chickens. My neighbors would hate me if I had noisy chickens though. It would just be nice to have fresh eggs and know they weren't layed by a chicken confined to a small cage.

CATHY said...

Just ship the extra my way. We still go over to Trader joes for theirs. Not sure how fresh they are but at least they are free range...supposedly.
Your neighbors are fortunate to have you around.

Francie said...

I wonder how "cute" the crowing will be in a little while! Very cool, though. I like the picture, too.