Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Off Duty

With Rachael and Derrick back from their trip to the Bahamas, I'm officially "off duty". So now I have to look around for something to do. Yesterday, we (Rachael, Lori, Ben and I) went to South Bend to do a little shopping. Lori purchased fabric to make curtains for her nursery and Rachael purchased fabric to make more items for her Etsy store.

Lori and I spent the afternoon making curtains.

The nursery is all finished and it looks so cute. Now all we need is a baby.

If you want to see more pictures of the nursery check Lori's blog.

Then Rachael and I decided to start working on some projects for her Etsy Shop . She received beautiful Russian fabric from a friend in Russia and she decided that some of the fabric would make cute stockings. I had my doubts. But, they turned out really cute.

The fronts of the stockings are cut from Russian Nutcracker scene panels. I made three stockings today and cut out six more for tomorrow's project. O.K. Rachael wants credit too, so I have to confess that she made the stockings, and I made the ruffle (but the ruffle was the hard part).


Tina in CT said...

The stockings are just adorable. Sounds like you all had a very productive day. My daughter is Rachel's friend that sent the material.

Have fun today with your sewing and preparing for the big dinner tomorrow. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in the Midwest.

Lori said...

The stockings are really cute, but I'm really needing that pillow made to match my curtains. Your going to have to stop helping Rachael long enough to help me again.

I love the curtains in the nursery. They are perfect.

Francie said...

I really like the fabric that was used for the curtains!
When can you get my duvet cover done???
I can't wait!

junglemama said...

What a beautiful family you have. I am partial to large ones. :)

Lori said...

Why haven't you blogged since you left Michigan?
You should have tons of free time compared to when you were here.
Are you busy making baby blankets?

Anonymous said...

mom you need a new post already, your plate is really really cute!