Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Update on Punkin

Punkin made it through the weekend and on Monday the veterinarian checked her and called us to let us know our options. We chose to have Punkin's leg amputated. She had the surgery on Monday and Bob picked her up from the hospital this morning. She is so sweet. Bob has taken her outside with him for awhile today and she loves it. She is doing really well getting around on just the three legs. Her biggest challenge right now is learning how to squat with one back leg.


Natalie said...

Oh, my poor Punkin girl! She looks like she had a rough day! Glad she's doing so good. How is her hip doing?

Tina in CT said...

When I was a little girl, my father and grandfather were walking in the woods by my grandparents' house on New Year's Day and found a stray cat that had been caught in a trap and chewed on her leg to free herself. My parents brought her to their vet and Sandy's leg was amputated off and she had a stump a few inches long. It was her left front leg. She got along fine, was a great cat and lived a long life.

I'm sure Punkin is so happy to be home with her family.

CATHY said...

Oh poor little Punkin. I am glad that she is doing good. I am sure she will adapt.
Give her a hug for me. She is the sweetest pooch.

Dore' said...

Aw.. she looks tired. I am sure she is relieved to be home and will adapt just fine. What a sweet girl.

Rachael said...

Oh, poor Punkin. That's so sad. But, I'm glad she's still around!

Lori said...

Poor Punkin, she looks so sad. I'm really glad she is going to be okay! Poor thing has to learn to walk without a leg at such an old age. That can't be easy for her.

Anonymous said...

Just looking through the blogs and came across yours. Nicely done I might add. I love dogs so the story of Punkin really got me reading. I too had a large dog that had his leg amputated at 8 months old due to a car. Although it hurts the owner when this happens, it is amazing how well they adjust. Hopefully Punkin is adjusting and, you still have her in your life.