Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hide 'n Seek

I've been out of town for a few days, so when I returned home today, I wanted to check on all our pets, gather the eggs, and work in the flower beds. The dogs were easy to check on because all three of them were wagging their tails and wanting attention. They are such sweet dogs. And, so good! They stay on the property and appear to stay out of trouble while we are gone. At least they haven't been caught being naughty. No call from the dog catcher, and no injured dogs from playing in the busy road in front of our house.

Last week, Bob told me that Bootsie (our adopted barn cat who now has six kittens) had moved her kittens again. She just isn't happy with people disturbing her and the kittens so she keeps moving them all over in the barn. Bob was down in the basement of the barn where the chickens roost and nesting boxes are located. He kept hearing meows, so he started investigating. He found two of the kittens on the floor of the chicken house. They had fallen from the main floor of the barn through a whole in the floor. They were fine because they had landed on a pile of hay (lucky for them). Bob took them upstairs and found the old cat carrier and put hay in it and put all six kittens in it and put it over in a secluded corner and then placed a board over the whole in the floor, so if the kittens ventured out, they wouldn't fall through to the basement. Today when I went to the barn to check on the kittens (I really wanted to just play with them) I checked the entire first floor of the barn looking everywhere, but no kittens. I was afraid that maybe something had gotten into the barn and something might have happened to those little kitties. But I kept looking, but no luck.

Then I went downstairs to the basement of the barn to check on the chickens and gather the eggs, and when I checked inside one of the nesting boxes, there were four little eyes looking back at me. Two of the little kittens were in the nesting box. Bootsie must have moved the kittens to the basement, but there were only two. I checked all the nesting boxes and gathered the eggs and then went over to check inside of a wooden box that was hanging from the wall in the chicken house and there were the other four little kittens. I went and gathered the two little adventurous kittens and put them in with the other four kittens. They are the cutest little kittens and so sweet. They love to be held. Bootsie, Big Foot, and Tiger all went out into the chicken yard with me to check on the chickens. The chickens seemed to be fine with no casualties since the raccoon was taken care of by Punkin a couple weeks ago.

We thought we had lost our banty chicken to the raccoon, but Bob found her nesting over in the small barn. We should have ten banty eggs hatching any day now - but I won't be checking to see when they hatch, because that little banty is mean.

As I walked out of the basement barn door, my faithful dogs were sitting there waiting for me.

I wish I knew the dogs were out on the front porch right now, because there are noises out there and I'm not sure what it might be. The dogs are in the back room sleeping. Maybe I'll go let them outside to do some investigation.


Dore' said...

I hope you are ok? I kinda thought you would post to let us know what the ruckus was out on the porch.
The kittens sound adorable!

Rachael said...

Your house is kind of spooky to be home alone in. I'd have a dog inside with me and the other two stationed on the porches.

Natalie said...

oh dont you hate being home alone? I cant stand it. I sleep with a loaded gun and my cell phone. you might think about doing the same. At least you could load the little hand BB gun and aim for thier eyes if you didnt want to kill them. That might just make them mad though. I love living on the lake, but sometimes I wish i had a barn with chickens and a pot belly pig. Ifyou move out here, can I get a pig and keep it at your house?

Tina in CT said...

What was on the porch making noise? I'd also have one dog inside with me if I were you in that big house.

Glad that the kittens were all OK.

How about putting up a sign with pictures at Dr. Putman's? The kittens are just so cute (as as the 3 cats).