Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's Still Fall - I Think

This morning on my way to work I experience a few snow showers. During the morning, there were several snow flakes coming down. Nothing accumulated, but it was exciting to watch. It really is beautiful here when it snows. I don't think it will be too much longer before we get measurable amounts of snow. But until winter settles in, I'm going to continue enjoying the beauty of fall and the fall treats that find their way to our office.

This morning on the conference table was a basket of homemade carmel dipped apples. I saved mine so I could take it home and share with Bob.

The apples were all packaged so nicely.
Without the wrapping you can see how delicious it looks. A Granny Smith apple dipped in carmel, dribbled with chocolate, and topped with crushed peanuts.
The lady that made them said they were easy to make, but I know I would have a gigantic mess if I tried. All of hers looked perfect!!


Lori said...

Yum, I love carmel apples, you should try to make some with all those apples you have.

Dore' said...

Mmm.. I love carmel apples too. ..and fall leaves ..and snow flurries. You're just having so much fun.

Tina in CT said...

That is one beautiful candy apple. Did you and Bob enjoy it last night with help from the rest of the family?

Snow flurries! I sure hope there isn't any when Diane and I come to visit as we are so looking forward to the trip.