Friday, October 17, 2008

Fall Friday

Today was a very busy day. We're trying to finish up on the house Ryan and Lisa are going to buy and we're trying to get our house ready for winter.

These are the beautiful fall leaves that are presently covering our driveway. If we don't get a big wind storm soon, we'll have to rake them up.

This is a picture of the house Ryan and Lisa are going to buy. I had to go down early this morning to meet with the district manager of Home Depot and the owner of Innovative Stone. The granite counter tops that were installed in the house, have pits all over them and I'm having a fit. They are suppose to get back with me next week to let me know what can be done about it. My granite counter top doesn't have pits and Lori's granite counter top doesn't have pits and I've never seen a display one with pits.

This picture didn't turn out very well and I only took one. I've already washed and put them in the freezer. Bob picked these today from our raspberry patch. It's suppose to freeze tonight, so this is probably the last of the berries.

Bob found a yellow iris in my flower "cutting" garden. I think it must be confused about what time of year it is.

I also picked up this machine to help me with making the applesauce.

We baked buttercup winter squash today. We have quite a lot of this from our garden.

Bob seasoned it with a little salt, butter, and maple syrup. It is delicious.
I'm glad it's Sabbath and I can relax. Bob has the fireplace lit and I think I'll go join him on the couch.


Julie said...

Your last entry makes me hungry for some of Bob's cooking. And what's with that crazy Iris. You guys need to head over here sometime. I miss you. Have a lovely Sabbath.

Dore' said...

Oh, I just want to come over and sit by the fireplace and spend time with ya'll, enjoying the conversation, the flower, the leaves, and all that great food. I'd even enjoy helping to make the food. It would be fun to learn to make some apple butter and I bet that squash would make some good butter too.. like pumpkin butter.

Natalie said...

The house looks great! I cant believe it, what a transformation.

Lori said...

I wish we had a fireplace, they are so nice when it's cold out. And the squash looks great, I wish we would have eaten some of that when I was there. I guess your indian summer is over huh?

Tina in CT said...

Oh, the house looks beautiful. You all have been very busy beavers. Any idea of when they'll get to settle in there? Ryan and Lisa must be so happy with the new house.

Love those red raspberries. They look fantastic. What did you do with them? Your bushes yield a lot of fruit.

An iris in October? Doesn't it realize that it is mid fall?

I baked squash tonight and eat it a lot during the fall and winter.

I've been making applesauce since I got my own place after college. I just peel them and slice them into a large pot, add in some orange juice, sugar, cinnamon and some nutmeg and bring to a boil. I lower the heat and let it simmer until it's chunky. I love chunky applesauce. When I used to make a big pot, I'd freeze it in plastic containers. Now when I make it, I make a smaller pot and just store it in the frig as it doesn't last long. I now substitute sugar substitute in place of sugar since I don't eat sugar now.

Tina in CT said...

What came about after your meeting over the granite countertops?