Thursday, August 28, 2008

Life in Blog Land

I never thought for a moment that I would meet such wonderful people through my blog. My daughters set it up for me so I could leave comments on their blogs. But I surprised them when I got hooked on blogging. I decided to blog so my daughters could keep up with my busy life and I love my daughters blogging because I get to read and see what they are up to and keep up to date on what my grandchildren are up to. I miss them so much and always look forward to their visits to my house or my visits to their house. I'm so disappointed this fall, because I won't be able to go and take care of my four little grandchildren in Michigan while their mom and dad are away for a few days. Bob and I will be in Albany helping with evangelistic meetings and my boss would never let me off during that time. Blogging also allows me to keep up with friends that are miles away that I've left behind when Bob and I moved across the country 3 1/2 years ago.

It is so exciting to read the comments that my faithful family leave on my blog posts. But, it's a real treat to have a visitor leave a comment. And, the funny thing is, I've met several people from my blogging that I've got to meet personally. Today I received a comment from a lady in Canada. She left a comment on one of my blogs that I wrote way back in September of 2007.

I'm looking forward to next Tuesday when Tina (my blogging friend) and I will once again meet up in Massachusetts to do some site-seeing and shopping together and then end our visit with dinner. Our friend, Diane, who lives close to Tina, won't be able to join us this time, and I'm going to really miss her company. The three of us have had such fun times together. Tina and I have become good friends. She even allowed me to be her puppy's nanny. Liesel sends me gifts and cards which always puts a smile on my face.

Tina, I'm looking forward to our time together next week. I must say . . . I'm sooooooo excited!!

So, to all my friends, family, and anonymous readers. Thanks for all your words of encouragement, thoughtful suggestions, and kindness expressed.

Until next time . . .


Natalie said...

And I get to be the first to leave a comment. That must mean Im your most dedicated blog reader. I actually have just taken a break from pottery this week, and last so I have had time to read and leave comments. I love reading and writing blogs too. Wish I had more time to spend on it though. Who left you a comment?

Tina in CT said...

What a lovely blog tonight. I too am so looking forward to our meeting next week and will miss our friend Diane during our visit together. We both do look forward to visiting you and Bob this fall.

I have been glued to the Democratic Convention but have taken time to also check my email and read/comment on blogs. Fortunately my computer is in my den not far from the TV.

That is a shame that you can't watch the grandkids this fall and I'm sure you would have had a great time. Hopefully you and Bob will get to visit them during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Rachael said...

Mom, I never pegged you for a blogger. It still cracks me up how much you've gotten in to it! You've come a looong way from when I first told you about my blog and you were unimpressed. Actually, I think you said, "um, it's nice, honey, but how come there are no pictures?" And then when I put pictures you said, "I don't know...are you sure it's safe?" But, I agree, it's a very good way to keep in touch and I'm glad you ended up enjoying it! It's a good hobby for you, I think.

CATHY said...

Not only are you hooked but you managed to get a couple of us hooked. I love being able to see what is going on way over there on that side of the US.
I have my daughter-in-law blogging, would love to talk my daughter and other daughter-in-law into it so I can see daily what is going on with my grandkids. I hate living so far away from them. :(

Dore' said...

I love that you blog! I love being able to see what you have been up to. I really hope to be able to get blogging myself and return the favor. Although I doubt seriously my blog will ever be as interesting as yours. After all, I don't live on a farm.

Tina in CT said...

I can't wait to meet on Tuesday and spend the day!

Lori said...

I am surprised you took to blogging so well too. I am surprised I like it too. It was a bit wierd at first writing about stuff that you wonder who will care, but once you get it in your head that it's so your friends and family know what's going on, it's easier.

I think it's time for Rach to give your blog a new look though.

Tina in CT said...

Diane is so upset that she can't come with me on Tuesday. Talked to her this afternoon and tonight at scrapping (she called me).