Sunday, August 10, 2008

Before I Can Leave for the Pastors' Retreat . . .

I'm crazy! I'm suppose to be leaving in seven minutes for the pastors' retreat which is a four hour drive and I haven't even begun to pack. I do have a load of laundry in the dryer so I'll have clean clothes to pack!!! yeah!!! Friday I asked Lisa to pick up two bushels of peaches while she was in town. Saturday evening around 9:00 p.m. I started the process of canning them. Lisa, Matthew, and Bob all helped. Lisa and Matthew went to bed around midnight but Bob and I continued until around 2:00 a.m. We finished the peaches - 41 quarts canned and 6 quarts frozen.

This is a bowl of the peaches (Red Haven) after the skin has been removed.

Lisa and Matthew slicing the peaches.

Here are the 41 jars of peaches. We washed the jars this morning and Bob carried them down to the basement for storage.

Lisa bought seven bushels of peaches for herself so she is going to be a very busy girl this afternoon and tomorrow getting her peaches canned.

Bob went out to the garden this morning and picked green beans and I froze 11 quarts this morning. Then he went and picked the berries and I made jam.

Here are some of the raspberries that Bob picked. They are really nice berries.

I made nine jars of berry jam this morning.

I just finished my lunch of fresh corn, broccoli, and sliced tomatoes (all from the garden) and I need to clean the kitchen and get packed. Bob's going to have to drive real fast because it's not a retreat for me, my boss and I are in charge of the pastors' portion of the retreat, the teachers are also included in this retreat, but I don't have to do anything for them except haul some of the materials. I have all the notebooks, etc. and it would be most embarrassing if I didn't arrive in time! I'll be out in the middle of no-where for the week, so I won't be blogging. But I'm taking my camera and will fill you in on the exciting moments when I get back which will be Thursday evening. Shannon graduates on Friday and we are having a graduation luncheon at our house Saturday afternoon. I think I'm going to have a very busy week.


Tina in CT said...

My question is, "Why wait until Sat. night to start on the peaches?" Yes, you were crazy to do all that you did so close to the departure time. I don't know how you do it all. I'm tired reading it. I spent a good part of my afternoon holding the puppy on the deck while reading a James Patterson novel (as the washer and dryer were going and clothes were drying on the line).

Hope you have a good week at the pastors' retreat.

Tina in CT said...

Diane just called me and I read her your blog. She's tired just hearing about it and is ready for a nap.

She wants to know if she can come live with you.

Diane got a 3 mo. old puppy on Thursday (mix between matlese and shitue) and she named him Ferbie. He weighs 2 1/2 lbs. and will be lucky if he hits 5 lbs. He went scrapbook shopping with us yesterday in a dog carrier that is soft convas and mesh. Diane just had the shoulder strap on and he was very content and sooooo good. Makes my dog look like a loser.

Rachael said...

Mom, I think maybe you should have been packing instead of blogging. And, not to even mention the canning vs. packing debate!

CATHY said...

I guess you will be telling Bob "Hurry Daddy".
Why didn't you leave the canning and freezing to the rest of the household and get your packing done?
At least when I come out there, there is going to be lots of canned goodies to enjoy.

Elle J said...

I enjoy reading your blog about all the things you squeeze into one day! How blessed your grandchildren/children are to have such active grandparents/parents with a creative household between all the animals, home grown food, people, love. Beyond Neat!!

Natalie said...

I love love love peaches!

Lori said...

So much work, canning peaches, but so worth it. Are you going to share a jar with me? We can swap tomatoe sauce or something.