Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2008 Goals to Work Towards

New Year's resolution have never worked for me, so I'm making goals that I can work towards this year.

I know I need to exercise, and I enjoy walking outside in the spring, summer, and fall. During the winter months I walk on my treadmill, but walking on that treadmill is getting to be boring. I've tried to entertain myself with watching TV, watching videos, talking on the phone, and reading and I just hate coming home from work knowing that I'm going to be walking most of the evening and not getting anywhere. So I've decided to continue my walking but limit it to 1 1/2 miles per day. That will give me more time to work on one of my other goals of organizing my pictures that are stored in plastic containers.

I have a couple of other goals I want to incorporate into my schedule too. I'll let you know what they are as soon as I figure out how I'm going to do it.


Shannon said...

I have the worst picture system. I've had my digital camera for 2 years now and I have yet to develope the first picture. Makes me want to go back to the 35mm days. At least I save pictures to discs and my PC.

Natalie said...

mom, I fired your bowl, its the exact color of the green pitcher.

Rachael said...

I need to work on my pictures too.

Lori said...

I think were all sort of in the same boat with the pictures.
Your going to walk outside in the snow?

CATHY said...

Goals, what are goals? Do I need any?

Francie said...

Those goals sound good... how's it going to far?

Sylvia said...

I can't believe you came to Washington and didn't even say Hi! Aloha,