Monday, October 13, 2008

Lori Comes to Visit . . .

The weather here is absolutely perfect. And the fall colors are at their peak. Just beautiful. We were so blessed to have Lori come for a long weekend to visit. She and Todd had both planned to come but with the weather being so nice, he had much to do on the farm to finish off the season. Lori brought a surprise with her. Kristen!!! Lori asked Rachael and Derrick if Kristen could come along with her to help with Anthony and I'm sure glad they agreed. Anthony has changed so much since the last time I got to hold him back in May. The weekend was wonderful and it ended much too soon. The most disappointing thing that happened this weekend was that I misplaced my camera and missed many "Kodak" moments!!! I'll share a few of the pictures that I took before my misfortune.

As soon as Kristen arrived she found the kitties, or should I say, the kitties found Kristen. These are Matt's kittens and are two of the sweetest cats we've ever been around.

Kristen helping Anthony play with his new tractor driving toy from auntie Shannon and Madeline.

Kristen played a few songs for me on the piano. She is very good and so talented. I wish she had brought her music so she could have played special music at church on Sabbath.

Madeline and Anthony playing with his new toy. I think he's showing Madeline how it works.

On Friday we went shopping at the Outlet Mall and Lori found socks and a hat to go with an outfit she had order on-line for Anthony. He loved his new hat.

Anthony is really getting into this driving thing!

During our Friday afternoon shopping spree, we stopped by a Mennonite store and they had the most adorable little play houses. This is the inside loft of one of the houses. Lori's going to ask Todd to build one for Anthony. She took lots of pictures so he'll know exactly what she wants.

I love this little boy!!!

Shannon went into the attic and pulled this toy out for Anthony to play on. He loved it.

Tony loved bath-time.

Anthony decided to do some exploring on his own.

He found the stairs and started checking them out.

He also checked out some pumpkins from grandpa's garden.

We couldn't pass up using the eggplants and tomatoes Lori brought with her from the family farm in Michigan. We made eggplant sandwiches!!! Oh, were they good!!!! I wish I had more. We also made eggplant lasagna which we enjoyed Saturday evening. Lisa and Ryan and the children, Shannon and Madeline, Lori and Anthony and Kristen, and Grandpa and me all little piggies when it came to dinner.

Anthony tried homemade canned pears for the first time. All by himself!

Ready for another meal.

This time, auntie Shannon fed him. He is such a good little eater.

After dinner, Anthony liked to help clean-up.

What a wonderful weekend! I have been so blessed.

This past summer has been filled with many blog posts that should have been posted, I just was having too much fun and it takes me so long to post. Ryan and Lisa's house is almost completed and soon they will be moving into their newly remodeled home and life for Bob and I will be back to . . . well I'll just say there will be less activity here at home. I'll miss all the hugs and kisses. We've enjoyed having them live with us for the past five months.


Francie said...

Nice job on the pictures! I really like that picture of Tony in the tub... he's so cute!
Glad you had a great weekend! And I'm also glad that you've posted, too!

Dore' said...

Oh, I've missed reading your posts. So good to be able to see what is going on in your busy life. I love that toy from the attic Anthony was riding on. Was that something your children had or was it something from that old house you renovated? Tony is a cutie!

Natalie said...

Isn't he just the cutest thing in the whole world? (boy thing that is, Leah is the cutest little girl thing) I love that little boy too. The cutest thing, Leah came running to me the other day with her arms wide open, it was so sweet.

Tina in CT said...

Welcome Back! You've had a busy fall.

I'm sure you all had a wonderful visit together.

Diane and I can't wait to come visit even though it can only be the one night since she can't get off from work.

Rachael said...

Glad you all had a nice time! We sure missed Kristen around here -- I kept checking to see if you'd post any pictures, but you didn't until AFTER she got home! Oh well, it's still nice to see what ya'll were up to.

The little picture of Tony at the dishwasher is just like one I have of Kristen. She used to do that all the time, remember?

Tina in CT said...

Tamara did the same thing with our dishwasher too.

Lori said...

As many times as you misplaced your camera, you still mananged to get some good pictures. I will have to go through my camera later today and see if I have any worthy of posting.
We had fun this weekend. I sure do love that little hat I bought him. He loves that little toy Shannon and Madeline got him, he played with it all the way home. I wish it wasn't so noisy though. But I think that is what makes it so appealing to him.